telc German B2

telc exam German B2

What does telc B2 stand for?

The telc exam German B2 is a recognized German certificate, which proves that you have intermediate knowledge of the German language. If you want to participate in the telc exam B2, you should already be able to understand the content of complex texts and also be able to understand specific discussions in your own field of specialty. In addition you should be able to clarify your own position.

To attend the Feststellungsprüfung (FSP), which is necessary to study at a german university, you have to have a language level of B2.

What do I have to know, to pass the telc exam?

People with a level B2 certificate are able to express themselves clearly and also argue and negotiate successfully. They have not only an extensive vocabulary in their own area of expertise, but also in general topics. They also master the German gammar fairly well.

What exactly is part of the telc exam?

The exam is devided into a written and an oral part. The written part takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes. Before starting the oral exam you will have 20 minutes to prepare yourself. The date of the oral exam might differ from the date of the written exam.

You can find more information on the exam here on the official telc website.

When does the telc exam take place?

The dates of our telc B2 exams you’ll find here.

Studienkolleg Düsseldorf also offers a telc B2 preparation course to improve your German for the telc B2 exam in 3 weeks. More information of telc B2 preparation course here.

Fee 170€
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