

Studienkolleg Düsseldorf Privatunterricht Einzelunterricht

G for Geisteswissenschaft, which means “humanities” in German. If you plan to study German studies, education, philosophy, music, art or even law in Germany, you will need to pass the German assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung, FSP). Therefore, the preparatory G-Course teaches you German, history, and social sciences to prepare you most efficiently for the exam in 2 semesters.

Who needs a G-Course?

Foreign students that have to apply for a Studienkolleg in Germany and wish to study humanities or social studies at a German university. Our Preparatory G-Course provides you with the preparation that is specialized for humanities, in order to pass the Feststellungsprüfung (FSP).

What do I need for applying?

A German level B1/B2 is mandatory for applying the G-Course.

What are the possible degree courses that I can study, having finished the course and passed the FSP test?

After passing the FSP you have the following options of possible degree courses that you can take at German universities:

  • German Studies
  • Arts & Design
  • Music
  • History
  • Journalism
  • Theology
  • Literature
  • Philosophy
  • Law and many more

Why take the preparatory course at Studienkolleg Düsseldorf?

The Preparatory G-Course is led by qualified lecturers that are specialized in teaching German, German literature, history and social sciences as well as helping foreign students with the preparation for their Feststellungsprüfung (FSP).

Our German teachers will prepare you for the C1 Language exams like telc C1 Hochschule oder FSP German. You will need a C1 German language certificate like telc C1 Hochschule for the Feststellungsprüfung and German universities.

You will also concentrate on other subjects like history, German literature, Social science and German for the FSP. We prepare you intensively for the Feststellungsprüfung so that you can pass the FSP after the G-Course!

For a better learning outcome, we continuously evaluate your progress with regular tests and learning control.


You can also rent a matching accommodation at Studienkolleg Düsseldorf. More information.

Written examinations German, History, Social sciences
Oral examination German literature
Course extent 2 Semester
Lesson 36 lessons per week
Course duration 38 weeks
Fee 5.995 € per year
Enrollment fee 495 €
Entrance requirement German B1/B2
German 18
German literature 6
Social science 6
History 6

On request